Playing a KFP on THEIA

1. What is a KFP?

The KFP or Key Features Problems are one of the docimological methods introduced as part of the reform of the 2nd cycle of medical studies. They consist of a series of questions:

  • A relatively short clinical case presented as an introduction

  • Two or three questions designed to focus on an aspect of the case that is often a source of error. These questions may be UCQs, MCQs, Short Answer questions or ZONE questions.

    The educational aim of the KFPs is to confront you with potential professional clinical situations and to identify the critical points of the problem.

2. Playing a KFP in an exam

To play a KFP that is part of an exam, go to the “My assessments” tab in your learner space and click on “Play test”.

When you play a KFP on the THEIA platform, by default you will arrive at the first question, you will access the next question after saving your answer to this first question and so on for all the questions in the KFP.

3. Training by playing KFPs

3.1 Predefined trainings

There are several ways to train using the KFP mode on the THEIA platform. The first is to play a training session that has already been created and includes one or more KFPs.

To do this, go to the “Predefined training” tab in your learner space.

3.2 Personalised training

Another option is to create your own training by choosing the type of content.

To do this, go to the ” Personalised training ” tab in your learner space and choose the content you want to train on.

3.3. Local and national bank

Finally, you can access the content available in your local bank directly, without having to create a personalised training session. This option allows you to choose the type of content you wish to access.

To do this, go to the “Local and national bank” tab in your learner space and filter on the content you want to play.

If you want to find out more, have a look at the tutorial below: “Training on THEIA”.

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