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Q&A – Users

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Here are all our frequently asked questions about the “Users” section of the platform.

If a user account has been archived, you will not find it by default in the list of your accounts. You will need to go to the filters and select the “archived” content. This will allow you to view all your archived accounts.

To give a learner the option of reconfiguring their password, you can go to the learner’s user file by going to the “User” > “User accounts” > tab, click on their name and then click on the “Generate a new temporary password” tab. This will send an email to the learner with a link to recreate a new temporary password and a reminder of their username.

Administration rights allow you to see all the items you have created, modify them and create new ones.
Eligibility rights allow you to appear in the list of potential contributors and to be invited to contribute only to the items to which you have been invited. You cannot see other content.
Management rights allow you to create content, modify it and view all the content you have created. You do not see content created by other users.

To find out the creation date of user accounts, go to the “Users” > “User accounts” tab and tick the “Display the “Creation date” column” box. This will display a new column with the creation dates for each account.

To find out when users last logged on to the platform, you can go to the “Users” > “User accounts” tab and tick the “Show “Last logged on” column” box. This will bring up a new column in which you will find the date of the last connection for each account.

Using rights profiles allows you to set up a set of rights for each profile (for example: teacher, corrector, manager, administrator, etc.) and assign them to a group or a user. This means you only have to set up the different rights you want to assign to each user profile once, and you can activate them with a single click.

There are 3 ways to add users to a group:
1) You can go to a user’s account, go to the “Groups & Rights” tab and add one or more groups individually.
2) You can enrol several users in groups using a bulk import file. To do this, go to the “User accounts” > “Import” tab, download the template, complete it and import it into the platform by selecting “Subscription to the group(s) mentionned in the import file”.
3) Finally, you can subscribe several users to groups using the bulk action. To do this, go to the “User accounts” tab, select the desired accounts, click on the drop-down menu next to “Actions” and select “Assign/delete groups”.

It is possible to change the username of a user account (although the prefix will remain the same). Be careful, however, to inform the user of the change so that they can reconnect without any problems.